The Lost Girl

Sasha Birulina👐
2 min readDec 28, 2021

Hello, everyone! I want to share something from my 4-language-written-in book. (English prevails, of course, but it’s also infused with words in French, Italian, and German.)

1. To flaunt about — to display (something) ostentatiously, especially in order to provoke envy or admiration or to show defiance. (Щеголять, выставлять напоказ)
«For a little while Alvina flaunted about in her nurse’s uniform.»
Synonyms: display, exhibit, expose, parade, and show.
Antonyms : to hide, to cover, to conceal.

2. To ooze — to flow slowly out of something through a small opening. (Убывать, утекать)
•«For her wonderful energy had ebbed and oozed away.»
Synonyms: to percolate, to dribble, to leak.

3. Supercilious — behaving or looking as though one thinks one is superior to others. ( высокомерный, надменный)
«The younger man’s tone was a little off-hand, just a little supercilious with her father, she thought.»
Synonyms: arrogant, haughty, conceited.
Antonyms: humble, modest.

4. Tacit — understood or implied without being stated. (Молчаливый, подразумеваемый)
«She wanted tacit admission of difference, not open, wholehearted communication.»
Synonyms: implicit, implied, inferred.
Antonyms: voiced, stated, expressed.

5. To linger — to stay in a place longer than necessary because of a reluctance to leave.
•«He seemed to linger near her as if he knew — as if he knew — what?»
Synonyms: to loiter, to dawdle.

6. To mope — to feel dejected and apathetic.
«Sometimes he would sit moping in a corner, with his head under his wing.»
Synonyms: to sulk, to languish.

7. Aloof — not friendly or forthcoming; cool and distant. (В стороне, отчуждённый)
«Alvina followed them persistently, but a little aloof, and silent.»
Synonyms: detached, unresponsive, stand-offish.

8. Repose — lack of activity (покой, отдых)
«Alvina got on better with his wife, who watched closely to learn from her guest the secret of repose.»
Synonyms: decompression, ease, leisure.
Antonyms: exertion, labor, toil.

9. Hinder — make it difficult for (someone) to do something or for (something) to happen. (мешать, препятствовать)
«Now I wonder why self-consciousness should hinder a man in his action?»
Synonyms: impede, interfere (with), obstruct.
Antonyms: aid, assist, facilitate.

10. Interlocutor — a person who takes part in a dialogue or conversation. (собеседник)
«The uncomfortable thing was that though he talked in the direction of his interlocutor, he did not speak to him: merely said his words towards him.»Synonyms: interrogator, dialogist, conversationalist, conversational-partner.

The book doesn’t stop surprising me with its profound thoughts. Sometimes it gives me an impression as if it had been written not 100 years ago, but just recently. It’s incredible to realize that throughout time people have had similar problems, and were preoccupied by almost the same things. Incidentally, I can’t help but marvel at the elaborate language the book is adorned with!

